Nature is facing every day the struggle for existence which means that animals are always looking for food. Some animals like preditors are acting in herds and are able to feed everybody through cooperation. Many todays inventions are based on nature. Engineers are getting inspiration from bugs, animals and everything that has been developing for thousands of years through evolution. We are building a hungry robot to better understand the nature.
Design Task
Would it be nice to have petrobot that will move along the food trail? Get some colored paper (at least three different colors). Decide which paper to use as food, which one will make robot turn left and which one right.
If robot sees with light sensor the "food", it stops and eats. If robot does not see any color, it drives forward unlimited. Rest of the colors make robot to turn 90 degrees left or right.
Would you be able to add more funny behaviours when robot sees fourth color on your choice?
Design Process
1. Find three different color papers.
2. Decide meaning of each color to the robot. One must be food which makes the robot to stand still and eat.
3. Make the algorithm that makes the robot to find food. Robot moves itself differently when seeing one or another type of paper.
3. Program the robot according to algorithm and try it out.
Try the program by making a trail of food. Leave the food to the end. See how robot acts.
Make a competition between students. There are two competitors and one robot. Competitors try to get the robot to their side with colorful papers. Winner is the competitor who gets the robot to their food.
Animals are following their senses like smell and visual to find food. While not seen, animals smell the food.
How many inputs your robot is using to find food?
See the videos below and answer following questions.
1. What is often inspiring engineers?
2. Name technologies that are taken from the nature and are used in everyday life.
3. What kind of robots are built according to real nature?
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